Whichever number you can call for this code can be forwarded.You can forward voice,sms,sync,video from this code.Whose mobile has to be hacked,You want to have this mobile.You can anyone mobile.
First Step.
•First open your dialer and dial this code.
• code *21*03×××××××××#
After that call will be forwarded.
These man all Call received that you mobile.you can received this call.
How to off call forwarding call.
You dial this code to stop all call,sms,vioce,snyc,video to forwarding to your mobile.this code use to all mobile.
•First open your dialer and dial this code.
•code #21#
After that dial this code to stop all call,sms,snya,video to forwarding your mobile.
Nota:you can dial this code all sim jazz,zong,telenor,warid,ufone.
You can dial this code other countrys.
How to check my forwarding call.
You can check this code,how do forwarding my call,sms,vioce,video etc.you dial this code and safe a mobile.This code is best code to your mobile.
•First open your dialer and dial this code.
•code *#21#
After dial this code show that massge.
•Call_ Not forwarding
•Sms_Not forwarding
•Video_Not forwarding
•Snyc_Not forwarding
If you anyone forwarding your mobile show that massage.
Call forwarding this number 03××××××××
Sms forwarding this number 03××××××××
Videl forwarding this number 03××××××××
Please dial this code and check you safa ya not safa.